Visual Cognition Lab

James E. Hoffman


see Dr. Hoffman’s Google Scholar Link for full list of publications


Hoffman, J. E., Kim, M., Taylor, M., and Holiday, K.(in press). Emotional capture during emotion-induced blindness is not automatic. Cortex, in press.

Tran, A., & Hoffman, J. E. (2016) Visual attention is required for multiple object tracking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(12), 2103-2114.

Ferrara, K., Hoffman, J.E., O’Hearn, K., and Landau, B. (2016) Constraints on multiple object tracking: How atypical development can inform theories of visual processing. Journal of Cognition and Development, 17(4), 620-641.

Kennedy, B.L., Rawding, J., Most, S. & Hoffman, J.E. (2014). Emotion-induced blindness reflects competition at early and late processing stages: An ERP study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 1485-1498.

Skoranski, A., Most, S.B., Lutz-Stehl, M., Hoffman, J.E., Hassink, S.G., & Simons, R.F (2013). Response monitoring and cognitive control in childhood obesity. Biological Psychology, 92, 199-204.

O’Hearn, K., Hoffman, J. E., and Landau, B. (2011). Small subitizing range in people with Williams syndrome. Visual Cognition, 19(3), 289-312.

Landau, B. L., O’Hearn, K., & Hoffman, J. E. (2010). Tethering to the World, Coming Undone. Chapter in L. B. Smith (Ed.), Volume in Spatial Language Series, Indiana University Press.

Doran, M.M., & Hoffman, J.E. (2010b). Target enhancement and distractor suppression in multiple object tracking. In Brooks, J., Belopolsky, A., Matsukura, M.,& Palomares, M. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM) 2009 Conference Report 17th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Visual Cognition, 18, 126-129.

Doran, M. M., & Hoffman, J. E. (2010a). The role of visual attention in multiple object tracking: Evidence from ERPs. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71(1), 33-52.

O’Hearn, K., Hoffman, J. E., and Landau, B. (2010). Developmental profiles for multiple object tracking and spatial memory: normally developing preschoolers and people with Williams syndrome. Developmental Science, 13:3, 430-440.

Quinn, P. C., Doran, M. M., Reiss, J. E., & Hoffman, J. E. (2010). Neural markers of subordinate-level categorization in 6- to 7-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 13, 499-507.

Quinn, P. C., Doran, M. M., Reiss, J. E., & Hoffman, J. E. (2009). Time course of visual attention in infant categorization of cats versus dogs: Evidence for a head bias as revealed through eye tracking. Child Development, 80, 151-161.

Doran, M., Hoffman, J. E., & Scholl, B. (2009 ). The Role of Eye Fixations in Concentration and Amplification Effects During Multiple Object Tracking. Visual Cognition, 17, 574-579.

Dilks, D. D., Hoffman, J. E., and Landau, B. L. (2008). Vision for perception and vision for action: normal and unusual development. Developmental Science, 11:4, 474 –486.

Reiss, J. E. & Hoffman, J. E. (2007). Disruption of Early Face Recognition Processes by Object Substitution Masking. Visual Cognition, 15 (7), 789-798.

Landau, B. L., &  Hoffman, J. E. (2007) Explaining selective spatial breakdown in Williams Syndrome: Four principles of normal spatial development and why they matter. In J. Plumert and J. Spencer (Eds.), Emerging landscapes of Mind:  Mapping the nature of change in spatial cognitive development. Pages 290-319. Oxford University Press.

Reiss, J. E. & Hoffman, J. E. (2006). Object Substitution Masking Interferes With Semantic Processing: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials. Psychological Science, 17, 1015-1020.

Elzer, S., Green, N., Carberry, S., & Hoffman, J. E. (2006). A Model of Perceptual Task Effort for Bar Charts and its Role in Recognizing Intention. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 16 (1): 1-30. Winner of the 2006 James Chen Annual Award for Best User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Paper.

Intraub, H., Hoffman, J. E., Wetherhold, J., & Stoehs, S. (2006). More than Meets the Eye: The Effect of Planned Fixations on Scene Representation. Perception and Psychophysics. 68(5): 759-769.

Landau, B., Hoffman, J. E., Reiss, J., Dilks, D.D., Lakusta, L., &  Chunyo, G. (2006)  Specialization and Breakdown in Spatial Cognition: Lessons from Williams syndrome. To appear in C. Morris, H. Lenhoff, & P. Wang (Eds.), Williams-Beuren Syndrome: Research and Clinical Perspectives.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press.

Landau, B., Hoffman, J.E., & Kurz, N. (2006). Object recognition with severe spatial deficits in Williams syndrome: sparing and breakdown. Cognition, 100 (3): 483-510.

Reiss, J. E., Hoffman, J. E., & Landau, B. (2005). Motion processing specialization in Williams syndrome. Vision Research, 45(27), 3379-3390.

O’Hearn, K., Landau, B., & Hoffman, J. E. (2005). Multiple object tracking in people with Williams syndrome and in normally developing children. Psychological Science, 16(11), 905-912.

Landau, B., & Hoffman, J. E. (2005). Parallels between spatial cognition and spatial language: Evidence from Williams syndrome. Journal of Memory and Language, 53(2), 163-185.

Hoffman, J.E., Landau, B. & Pagani, B. (2003) Spatial Breakdown in Spatial Construction: Evidence from Eye Fixations in Children with Williams Syndrome. Cognitive Psychology, 45, 260-301.